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DevOps-as-a-Service: Platform Users and User Roles

What are Platform Users?

Our DevOps-as-a-Service cooperations all start with the foundational construct of a Platform User:

“Platform User” is any employee of, contractor of or person related to Customer who may be requesting support from Skyscrapers directly or indirectly, or may be accessing, deploying or maintaining application code through any means possible (UI, API, CI, etc) to platforms managed by Skyscrapers, or may be using or consuming cloud provider services within the cloud accounts managed by Skyscrapers.

This definition is part of your agreement with Skyscrapers.

What are User Roles?

Each Platform User is assigned a User Role.

Some of the Platform Roles can also be held by non-Platform Users. For example the Contract Owner could be a person not actively using any of the services provided by Skyscrapers.

Why User Roles?

At Skyscrapers, User Roles are a way to categorise the people we work with on the customer side. It allows us to:

  • Better align the delivery of the services to different needs depending on the role people have
  • Helps Skyscrapers to understand your organisation
  • Set and manage expectations on both sides
  • Allows for creating standardised processes and tailored services for each role
  • Price differentiation aligned with your specific needs

There is a strong relation between User Roles and the Skyscrapers Responsibility Model.

User Roles

Platform Lead Supported Platform User General Platform User Contract Owner (*) Compliance Lead (*)
Tl;Dr DevOps-oriented or Developer oriented people we work with closely and overseeing all work between SkS and your own organisation. They give access to the full context on your side. Developers or related profiles that get access to our support channels. Developers or related profiles that indirectly work with SkS or on environments managed by SkS, without direct support. Person that has contractual decision powers and oversight. Can be anybody. First contact for security/compliance events and questions in both directions
Counts as Platform User Yes Yes Yes No No
Access to:
VPN/AWS/Cluster access Y Y Y - -
GitHub Issues Y, incl. Platform Components requests Y, Support/advice only - Y -
GitHub Repo Y Y - Y -
Slack dedicated channel Y Y - - -
24/7 Y Y - - Y, for security and data incidents
Customer specific documentation on GitHub Y Y - Y -
Pull Request creation Y Y, Vetted by the Platform Lead first - - - Y Y Y -
Responsibilities Determine priorities/urgency
Add context where needed
Keep oversight on all support requested from Customer side - Budget, SLA decisions
Oversee quality of service delivery DPO and compliance in the cooperation
Activities we organise:
Support Y Y - - -
Trainings Y Y - - -
Expert Sparring Y Y - - -
Announcement Updates Y Y - - -
Status calls Y - - Y -
Account calls Y - - Y -
Notes: Usually 1 person per team *: Can also be any of the Platform Users Required for GDPR
*: Can also be any of the Platform Users

Legacy Roles

Before 2024 and depending on the contract you may have, the following roles may have been defined before:

  • Platform User: didn’t have differentiation between roles
  • Customer Dev Lead: similar to the Platform Lead
  • Contract Owner: similar to the current Contract Owner

Over the next few months, your Skyscrapers Customer Lead will work with you in mapping your Platform Users to the new model.